

Stories of the Saints in the DR Congo (Episode 1)

The first episode of the “Not by Bread Alone” film series, entitled “Stories of the Saints in the DR Congo,” introduces the history and peoples of the people of this vast central African nation. The video also gives a sneak preview of some of the upcoming episodes. These episodes and...

An Impossible Meeting with MOBUTU (Episode 2)

This episode tells the story of how an unlikely series of events that began with a Congolese man named BULA led to a four-hour lunch meeting at Gbadolite, the remote palatial estate of MOBUTU SESE SEKO, the former ruler of the DR Congo. In that 12 February 1986 meeting, approval...

Short Videos

A Woman of Faith: Sara Beysolow Nyanti, Foreign Minister of Liberia (Blog 6)

“You Can Take Your Hand Off Africa Now” (Blog 4)

Elder and Sister Renlund: Falling in Love with the Peoples of Africa (Blog 3)

Not By Bread Alone: Stories of the Saints in Africa (preview video)